Other Videos from 2011  (Return to Menu)

7/24/2011 Elliot - Just Fishin'
8/21/2011 Jackson Adan Edwards - Baptism (Before the Service)
8/21/2011 Jackson Adan Edwards - Baptism (Part 1)
8/21/2011 Jackson Adan Edwards - Baptism (Part 2)
8/21/2011 Jackson Adan Edwards - Baptism (Part 3)
8/21/2011 Jackson Adan Edwards - Baptism (After the Service)
9/29/2011 John Axford arriving at Miller Park after Playoff Rally
9/29/2011 Meeting Tony Plush (Nyjer Morgan) at Miller Park
9/29/2011 Taking Photo with Robin Yount at Miller Park
9/29/2011 Robin Yount showing us More Players at Miller Park

All Videos Copyright 2011, Daniel Tetzlaff, All Rights Reserved. Send Feedback to dantcv@hotmail.com