America Roars Back To Life




America just committed one giant microaggression and Wisconsin led the way. Donald Trump’s national win and the Republican Wisconsin landslide led by Sen. Ron Johnson are a massive blow against political correctness, the media and cultural establishment, and a towering reaffirmation of patriotism and Americanism. To the utter horror of the elitist and sanctimonious dilettantes on both the left and the fake right, America roared back to life on Tuesday and I am proud that my state roared the loudest. There’s a lot to cover so let’s take it one at a time.


1. American Republicans, except for a handful of petulant snobs, put aside massive differences and united behind a common goal. Every wing of the party showed up, from the Paul Ryan Right, the Mitch McConnell Middle and the Donald Trump Tangent. The specter of a serial liar and chronic criminal walking into the White House and destroying the federal judiciary for a generation motivated some of us. Others were tired of a government and ruling class that proclaims that Black Lives Matter and illegal immigrants have rights but that working-class white people are accused of having “privilege” even as the American Dream is stolen from them. And still others were enthralled by a politician who actually seemed to care about them, their lives, and their beliefs.


2. The ugly brute power of the Obama/Clinton cabal was overplayed and the election was won by Donald Trump on Sunday. When FBI Director James Comey went in the bag and re-cleared Hillary Clinton on the email scandal, every American knew the fix was in. This fit perfectly with Trump’s narrative that the system is rigged. Obama proved it was rigged with a sweetheart announcement of a free pass on criminal behavior that would never be given to a regular American. It was a stunning miscalculation.


3. It’s not that most Trump voters approve of some of his obnoxious language or antics. It’s that they don’t much care. The disconnect between the elitists and the rest of the nation was never more apparent than with the preaching by media stars about how they had never heard anyone use the kind of language Trump used in that ancient tape with Billy Bush. But tens of millions of Americans have heard people talk like big-shot blowhards at bowling alleys, on job sites, and even on Twitter. And these people were smart enough to realize they were being played by those media twerps who while being fake-mortified by Trump’s comments were unbothered by the allegations of abuse and rape against Bill Clinton.


4. Trump called it right in his victory speech Wednesday morning. Reince Priebus is a superstar. The Republican National Committee chairman from Kenosha somehow held together a party that was on the verge of civil war and not only produced a sweeping presidential win but saw major gains across the country. For the first time in 88 years, an incoming Republican president is accompanied by Republican control of both houses of Congress, and they did it in a year in which they were fractured, bickering and finger-pointing. This is an astonishing accomplishment. Priebus juggled several balls. He adamantly backed Paul Ryan against the sleazy challenge he faced from a cabal of alt-right weirdos who had the ear of Trump. Yet he also put the entire machinery of the RNC behind Trump and adamantly blasted GOP renegades who sold the party out by refusing to back Trump. Most of all, Priebus’ tireless building of the Republican infrastructure gave Trump a political operation he personally never built. And all those ads that aired in Wisconsin and other states? They were all the result of Priebus’ decision in May to merge the RNC fundraising effort with Trump’s nonexistent campaign fundraising operation. Trump doesn’t win without Priebus and Trump knows it. The Senate doesn’t stay Republican without Priebus and Trump knows that, too.


5. Wisconsin is now a red state. The GOP actually gained a seat in the state Assembly and has an amazing 64-35 majority there. Further, the state Senate is now 20-13 Republican. The Republicans won a landslide in the only open Wisconsin U.S. House seat and have a 5-3 majority in our delegation. Ron Johnson actually ran three points ahead of Trump. In the last five statewide elections (including the 2014 Walker recall), the Republicans have slaughtered the Democrats.


6. Two-thirds of Wisconsin Republicans preferred a nominee other than Trump and Trump was killed in our state’s primary in April. Those of us who came around to Trump have been mocked, ridiculed and denigrated by not only the mainstream media but by prominent conservatives in the state. Speaker Ryan was said to have sold his soul for backing Trump and I was called a demagogue. It’s bad enough to have to put up with this crap from a leftist media that has long abandoned any pretense of objectivity but to get it from prominent voices on the right was even worse. In the end, the egghead wing was utterly ignored by the voters. While people like me are celebrating the saving of our nation from liberal tyranny, these hand-wringers are counting their nine write-in votes for Evan McMullin.