Photos from 2018 (January through April)  (Return to Menu)

Click Here to view an index of Home Videos from the same time period.

To enlarge a photo, click on it. Each photo is named in the following format: YMD-HMS. Hover over a photo to view this information.

     Eating While Sleeping:


  So, it appears Ziggy did not learn his lesson...

  Stained-Glass Lamp from Papa Marvin :)

     Ice Skating with the Boys (For the First Time):


     Skiing with the Boys (Ephraim's First Time):


     Helicopter Dropping Men onto High-Tension Power Line:


  Something tells me that he's going to be a plumber!

  At last, it appears that the sun is finally about to engulf the earth!

  In his defense, we told him to get himself dressed...

  They get bonus points for determination...

  Are you ashamed of your behavior, Ruby?

  Elliot, of course, was cast as Judas...

     As promised...


     Cat Fight!


  (I wish this was) my Tesla...

     The crazy, crazy boys...


  Building the Chicken Coop!

  April 4 Snow?? Well, at least this will be the last snow storm of the year......

  Hug it out...

  Oh, maybe not...

  "Hey, brother..."

  Imagine how cute these photos would be if they were actually in focus!

  April 17 Snow Storm?? Ugh...

  Chickens via USPS!

  Not for anything, but we were promised SPRING Chickens... not winter ones!

     Baby Chicks (NIB): Unboxing:


  April 19 Snow???? Enough!!!!

  Replacement Chicken...

  Only YOU can prevent grass fires...

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